Welcome Mama!

My name is Chelsea I’ve been a research analyst for 10 years and I recently welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world! From the moment I saw those two pink lines, I was filled with pure joy and excitement..

Soon though I realized there was so much I had to learn about pregnancy and motherhood!

My Favorite Quote!

“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”

Linda Wooten


Pregnancy is a remarkable journey of growth, change, and anticipation as a new life begins to take shape.


Labor and delivery is an intense, transformative experience marking the moment a new life enters the world.


Becoming a parent is a profound journey that transforms your world with love, responsibility, and new beginnings.

how I got Here

Why I Love What We’re Building

There’s a lot of fear and uncertainty surrounding childbirth, parenting, and everything in between, but I firmly believe that the more you know, the less there is to fear. With so many experts offering varying opinions, I found myself diving deep into research to help me navigate the different phases of parenthood—pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and beyond—so I could make informed decisions for my growing family. Whether it’s building a baby registry, preparing for labor, or adjusting to life with a newborn, there’s often pressure to follow trends or buy items that may only be used for a few months, or not at all!

After talking with some mom friends who offered different perspectives, I was reminded that every family’s needs are unique, and things would likely change for me over time too. It can be time-consuming to sift through all the research to truly understand the meaning behind different parenting options. That’s when I realized how important it is to empower parents with well-rounded knowledge, so they can make decisions that feel right for them. Let’s stop the subtle judgments and build a supportive community of parents with different priorities who lift each other up, celebrating the strength in our differences.

Favorite TV Mom

Kitty Forman

Favorite Tradition

Christmas Village

Favorite Hack

Make Ahead Meals

Favorite Bonding

Dinner Together

Favorite Book

Simplicity Parenting

Favorite Hobby


so mama, you

have come to the right place

My mission is to empower new moms and all parents with foundational research and resources to decide what matters for you and your family.

Please join me as I take the plunge to research all things pregnancy and parenthood! I encourage you to leave comments with additional thoughts, information, and resources.